Game of thrones kingsguard armor
Game of thrones kingsguard armor

game of thrones kingsguard armor

Season 4 we start seeing more gold creeping in, as the white frosting was phased out, and Jaime starts to show some wine-red in To make it easier on the audience to understand he is part of a Royal Scales, even though Jaime is technically supposed to wear a distinct Lannister gold armour, they probably went with this choice Season 1 has the most faithful versions of the Kingsguard armour, with the white frosted decorations, white cloak and the The show has depicted them faithfully, with some minor changes throughout the seasons which reflected the political changes in King's Landing: While this is an exception, it may be relevant and important for answering the question. In the books, Jaime likes to differentiate himself and departs from the traditional white armour, opting for a Lannister gold armour, instead.

game of thrones kingsguard armor

Gave Ned a quick, curious glance from the corner of his eye, but asked no questions.

game of thrones kingsguard armor

Outside the chamber, wearing the long white cloak and armor of the Kingsguard. The closing of the door behind him silenced the voices. The days when men like Ryam Redwyne and Prince Aemon theĭragonknight wore the white cloak are gone to dust and song. Lannister is himself a Sworn Brother of the White Swords, and we all know what his White cloak as well, but beneath it he was shining gold from head to foot, with a lion’shead The seven knights of the Kingsguard took the field, all but Jaime Lannister in scaledĪrmor the color of milk, their cloaks as white as freshfallen snow. From his shoulders hung the pure white cloak of His helm, Sansa saw that he was an old man with hair as pale as his armor, yet he

game of thrones kingsguard armor

Snow, with silver chasings and clasps that glittered in the sun. One knight wore an intricate suit of white enameled scales, brilliant as a field of newfallen Queen, in armor so fine and gorgeous that it made her blink. When she got closer, she saw two knights kneeling before the Jaime wore the white cloak of the Kingsguard over his golden armor. The general description of the Kingsguard's equipment seems to be: a long white cloak and white armour, usually with enamelled scales. In HBO's Game of Thrones TV Show, the depiction of the Kingsguard has had various, minor changes throughout the show, but was always relatively consistent and faithful to the books, up until Season 7.

Game of thrones kingsguard armor